4 Ways to Promote Your Podcast


There are over 800,000 podcasts with over 54 million podcast episodes for people to listen to, according to Forbes. With the vast range of variety in the podcast world, you’ve got to set yourself apart – but just how do you do that? How do you get viewers to notice your podcast? The answer is to promote your podcast!

You can’t just record a podcast and think people will come. You’ve got to market your podcast like you would with any other form of business you have. When you record a new episode, post it everywhere – from your website to social media. 

Podcasts are confined to hearing through your headphones and speakers – creating video and written content around your podcast gives your listeners the opportunity to get to know you more personally. In turn, potentially creating more listeners with visuals. 

We are sharing some ideas on how you can utilize video to get more traction to your podcast. 

Podcast Launch 

Launching a new podcast? Congratulations! Are you nervous that no one will listen? Don’t be! With any new business, whether it’s an apparel launch, restaurant opening, website launch or podcast launch … marketing is the KEY to getting people to notice you. 

Prior to launching your podcast, it’s important to create a plan! Begin with what type of content you’ll be posting. After you know what you’ll be posting, then decide where you will distribute your content. 

Types of Content:

  • Short videos
  • Create blog posts
  • Capture behind the scenes shots 

Distribution Channels:

  • Social Media channels, all of them!
  • Your website
  • Blog posts
  • Newsletter!

Episode Recaps & Teasers

So you’ve launched your podcast – great job! Now that you’ve got a few episodes recorded, tell everyone about it. Continue creating content to get people noticing each episode and then re-share on all your social channels. 

Assume your audience hasn’t listened to every episode, so don’t forget when creating episode recaps to briefly state what your podcast as a whole is about. Make a short video that you can post on social media, your blog and add to your newsletters. Do remember – create a summary of what the episode is about, leave your audience wanting to hear more so they click on to listen to the whole episode.

Behind the scenes

Have you recorded over and over again, take after take? You may be in that 1% bucket if you have recorded your podcast episode flawlessly within one recording. If you’re not a part of that 1%, or even if you are … behind the scenes filming is a different way to engage your audience and show a different side of the podcast. Film a behind the scenes while recording, gather all your footage and make a video! 

Some fun ideas … 

  • Blooper reel
  • Capture different angles, showcase everything that goes into make your podcast
  • Take your audience into your office, let’s see what your podcast studio looks like

Live stream

You may be asking yourself, isn’t behind the scenes similar to live streaming? The answer is no.

Live streaming is completely uninterrupted, your audience will get to see the whole recording from when you press record til you end the recording. Live stream is an innovative and interactive approach to producing different forms of content for your audience.

The added bonus with live stream is that Facebook and Instagram have live integrated into their platforms. You can reach an even broader audience by connecting your live stream to your social media accounts.

How will you promote your podcast? We’d love to hear your ideas in the comments below!



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